Friday, December 5, 2008

Our Bodies are Genius

Day 2 in Engaging and Awakening Others I discovered a benign cyst that had been on my back for some time had become inflamed. By day 5 it became so painful I could not lean back on my chair. Knowing the body is genius I left it to see what would happen. I thought it would get better on it's own and disappear.
To my disappointment it grew larger and angrier. I could not lean back at all and if someone approached me to give me a hug I would protect my back and if I forgot I would be in pain for some time after.
People told me to make a poultice, have it operated on and other things they thought would help me. I held out knowing it had something to tell me. It wasn't until a week ago that I noticed I was leaning back on the right side and felt no pain when I turned my body so that no pressure would go on the left. My woo hoo moment had arrived.
I realised I no longer needed my past to support me. I had been sitting without leaning back (past) for almost 3 weeks allowing mySelf to get acquainted to the 'new' Me . I also became curious that when I leaned to the right (sphere/masculine) side I had no pain. The nurturing (left side) aspect of the Family Hero strategy I ran in the 'past' no longer supported who I Am now.
As for protecting mySelf when people came towards me I simply used my voice to let people know it was there. I did not have to protect mySelf!
I sit here now comfortably leaning back on both sides with a new awareness about mySelf and how I CHOOSE to move through my world. The inflammation and pain is gone and began disappearing shortly after my realisation. The body is true GENIUS!

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