Friday, January 30, 2009

Intimacy in Conversation

The emptiness, the fullness, the lightness and heaviness,the stillness with movement is my sensation of the calm after the storm. I am once again profoundly different then yesterday.
Yesterday was the chaos, the instability and agitation. When I owned it, stopped analysing it and made no excuses I was able to transform and profoundly change the internal landscape that who I AM calls home.
Today I moved through my day like a cloud floating in the sky. Aware that I was a cloud yet aware of so much more. I felt gentle and allowed that to flow through me today. I felt no judgements and the mind chatter would become silent as I found stillness in my body in the moment.
In conversations I was present but in a different way. I always felt to be present for others meant focusing on them. Today, being present to myself allowed me to have a more intimate engagement with the other person.
Focusing on myself and who I was today in my perception allowed others to focus on themselves while 'in' the conversation.
Again, this brings me back to the hunt as the metaphor for the conversation. When I make it about the conversation it becomes a conversation but when I am 'in' the conversation it becomes an intimate platform for magnificent 'exchange'.
Not bad for a day in the office- choosing myself and allowing intimacy to unfold 'in' the conversation.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Living Large

Whooo hooo here comes my life...
I am experiencing sensations of restlessness and agitation surging through my body. My body is tired and I am feeling like going back into my hole! And the beauty is I know now it is all genius!

Sunday, as most of you know was Amy's Wel-Awakened Women's Potluck. I shared with her last night that I was able to see the day unfold from a different place and was able to watch her shine. I witnessed the Bold Vibration for Accelerated Change and the gentle/intense way she vibrated this into the room (and beyond).
Amy spoke (my perception of course) of the people on her holodeck moving quickly and becoming visible because she is moving quickly and is becoming visible. I heard this and understood it at an intellectual level but did not understand the magnitude of it until my body responded.
Monday I woke and felt as though I was pulled out of bed. I arrived at work and realised I did not have time to 'work'. I was booked for the morning and ALL my clients forgot their appointments (has never happened and yet I know I manifested this!)
I spent the morning rambling through emails, responding to the ones that called to me. I visited Facebook wrote on the WEL-Systems World and decided to update my profile status to- 'Naomi is upping the ante on living Authentically'.
I have spent many years keeping myself small and invisible. Flying under the radar was my trademark. If I began to rise I would create something to enable me to go back under the radar.
So when I updated my status I knew this was NOT flying under the radar but I did it anyway, in fact, I thought to myself 'bring it on'. And bring it on I did- I had responses from 5 people wanting to know what I was doing and what I meant. I put myself out there and the momentum has been accelerating ever since. I have been busy responding to emails and having conversations about what it means for me to live Authentically.
I am holding my first Women of Intensity Gathering at my office February 22nd, I have another workshop booked for March and this is only the beginning. I have no expectation of an outcome. My life is becoming more about being 'in the hunt' then the hunt itself! By allowing mySelf to emerge in everyday life I will be visible when it calls to be visible and when it calls to fly under the radar this is what I will do. No more will the fear of living large dictate my actions. I am now aware that living small was a strategy in my life and not who I AM!
This is definitely creating chaos in my body, hence the tired, agitated, restless state...but with chaos comes needed change! Bring it on!
PS I just spoke with Amy and she is accelerating at warp speed. She will be on the National tonight!...and here comes my life again!
Stay tuned...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Powerfully Awake

I am truly in awe at the intensity and speed with which my life is unfolding on a daily basis.

I had a sense today that I have always' known' but somewhere along the way the path got dark, I became fearful and I didn't trust that life was what I said it was to be.
I began to walk slowly and carefully looking to external markers for my guidance and cues that I was heading in the 'right' direction.
The light got dimmer and dimmer and sometimes I would stop fearful that I was lost. I would call out and I would hear voices other then my own. But no matter how much I listened and followed I never felt as though I was going in the right direction. The box began to get smaller and smaller so I eventually stopped and began to live the same habituated pattern feeling powerless and waiting for someone else to save me from myself!

Seated at the table with 12 other magnificent women in the Wel-System program room this weekend I realised that in 6 short months I have found my way home. The voices I hear are mine and mine alone. The light emanating from the Essence of who I am is lighting the way. The fear is gone, enabling me to live in this moment and create the life I choose.
I also know the light is growing stronger as I look at the other women choosing to know they are 'The One'. Together we are standing strong in the sense of urgency that comes from needing and wanting to engage with one an other. Each one of us a unique form of expression in a physical universe.

I marvel to think of the light as a group we are now emanating to the world. Lighting the way for people to awaken and choose themselves as 'The One' for their own lives. No more victims, just powerful awakened women creating a life that is truly meaningful!
I sit here this evening, no struggle, no drama, just a sensation of space that fills my body, space for mySelf in this moment, because this is what I choose for ME! Who knows what the next moment will bring but again I get to choose. When was the last time you stopped, took a breath and decided what is right for you in the moment and go from there? A life by your own design has no limitations.

My deep appreciation and heartfelt Rig to all those sitting with me in presence and Spirit this past weekend. I know once again my life has profoundly changed. Looking forward to many more conversations to come!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

No Title

I sit here not sure what is going to come on this screen and okay with the thought of that!
I have began so many blogs in the past week but everytime I came back to them I realised they did not represent who I AM anymore. But now I see all those beginnings have created the space for who I AM now in this moment.
I stand in yet another very different place in my life then I even did yesterday. The wave I moved through last night in front of a client has opened a space so wide in my body it can't possibly exist in my physical body. I am just sitting here no thoughts are 'swimming' around as they usually are when I write. I have moved into a place of not needing... not needing to be told I am doing a good job, not needing to be right, not needing to have the presence of another to make me alright, just not needing because I KNOW I am alright.
I feel anchored in my body. I have never experienced this heavy but light feeling before. I have recently experienced the full but empty feeling. Now I am full but empty and heavy but light. I am full of who I AM but empty of the 'story', I am heavy, grounded into this moment but light knowing that I am always More if I embrace the lightness of movement.
This is all I have to say in this moment. For I have already changed.