Sunday, February 15, 2009

Coming Home

When I was born I knew. I knew myself.

Along the path of life who I was was told to conform, listen to the voices outside myself and be patient. I learned quickly the rules, the dogma and the techniques that would allow me to 'fit in' and I would be celebrated for this.

This began my journey of walking away from myself. Walking away from the very being that spoke from a place of authenticity, my guide for maneuvering through this life by my own design.

I was often confused and felt like an outsider in my own life.

When my daughter was born and when I witnessed her Spirit I began the journey back to myself.

I thought since it had taken me 32 years to get here it would be a long tough road back. And still along the way I looked for something outside myself to mark that I was going the right way. What I have learned is the very experience of choosing to move back to myself was the only thing I needed for acceleration.

Awakening to no other purpose then to be is powerful. I was not able to journey here until now. Until I was able to know that where I am in this moment, where I was in the last moment and where I will be in the next moment is my Godforce/Spirit.

The Godforce that sings a different song (no better or worse) from others, just different. Other's voices are not my own, their truth's are an accumulation of their experience on their journey and mine are about my journey.

The awakening of being within my soul feels like coming home...coming home to myself.
No right or wrong, good or bad. No limitations besides the ones I choose for myself.

My truth is an experience not a philosophy. My life is an experience for being, choosing and allowing.We are taught the limitations of the physical body but they are only limitations if we say so. I am discovering the very limitations I held are the ones that are able to set me free as I allow myself to create and be.

Who am I and why am I here? These are 2 questions I have asked myself for many years And for many years the words of others sounded so beautiful but they were not my own. They resonated but still did not allow me to hear myself.

I watch in wonderment at the beauty in each moment as I stay present to myself. I can experience beauty far beyond what the eye can see.

If I believe what I can see is all there is, if I think what I hear is the only sound, if I believe the words I speak are the only truth then I have limited myself and this becomes my reality. I no longer choose this for myself so it no longer chooses me.

I have expanded to see all experiences have been meaningful even the ones I labelled as awful. I have expanded because the Wel-System Experiences have allowed me to experience myself in a context free of dogma, techniques and guides. I have allowed me to choose me and to know every moment is my choice.

I have chosen to step out of the illusion that looking outside myself will bring me closer to myself because I have been here all along waiting patiently for the day I would turn around and see myself.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I am done. I am new. I am me. I am okay. I am here.
I will not turn away from myself. I will live. I will not lay down. I will not fight. I will be. I will be more. I will cry. I will choose. I will be new. I feel free. I will allow. I will feel full. I will feel empty. I will say no. I will say yes. I will say nothing. I will RIG (Respect, Integrity and Generosity of Spirit) myself. I will RIG you. I will fall. I will fly. I will be real. I will float above. I will soar. I will crash. I will pick myself up. I will revel in the moment. I will want to skip moments. I will choose the easy way. I will choose the hard way. I will be aware I am judging myself when I judge others. I will say the right thing. I will say the wrong thing. I will create. I will feel nothing. I will allow in-difference. I will invite the questions. I will ask bigger questions. I will be new each moment. I will fall into your life. I will fall out of your life. I will see through new eyes. I will see through old eyes. I will laugh. I will scream. I will be FULLY ALIVE. I will not please. I will not die trying to be who I am NOT. I will not feel sorry for you. I will allow you to be you. I will allow the past to be the past. I will allow the future be the future. I will only choose in this moment. I will forget. I will remember. And in this next moment I may not want any of this and that's okay- because I said so!

At the end of the day I am a spiritual being having a human experience so I will learn as I go, honouring who I am and in turn I will be able to honour who you are because you allow me to see myself.

This is all mine and all of my choosing.