Monday, October 20, 2008

Time to Move

I feel movement is necessary in my life right now. An internal movement to allow the old to surface and process, in turn creating space for the essence of 'who' I am. Such an easy concept with the information I now know. Such a daunting concept 6 months ago.
If who I were 6 months ago was powerful enough to bring me to the place I stand today, imagine where I will stand in another 6 months with the information, time and space I have created for myself.
Everyday allowing choice to be on main stage. Choice that comes from being mindful that the answers lie in the body's cues. The body's cues are prompted by the Essence, Authentic voice, God force, whatever word you use to name it.
Today I had what I call a 'hit', something that moved in my body that asked me to pay attention. I then took a few deep breaths, pulled my awareness deep into my body and asked myself the question- what do you need to do right now. The decision looked totally different from an intellectual standpoint. Knowing what I know now I trusted my body's cues and the day took on a totally different feel. I felt as though I was responsible for my actions and had I not made the choice I did I would have created drama and felt as though I was the victim.
I am beginning to follow through on my choices instead of analysing. Making choices and acting on choices are two very separate things. I think the answers I have been seeking have been in my awareness for a very long time but being consumed by what those choices may look like got in the way of just doing them and knowing all is good.
I now know all is good and I am ready to make choices and trust the answers my body holds in the present moment. I also know without movement the present moment choices stay the same and becomes the stagnation that leads to the disconnect of who we truly are.

1 comment:

Marie Smith said...

Wow, this is really resonating with me...yes, how effortless it is for me to now ask mySElf, what do I need to help me through this process...standing right here in the now, listening to mySElf, trusting that my own answers will come into my awareness...and again for me to give me "Space" for my own life is simplier and rich in meaning only when I coninue to listen to mySELF