Sunday, September 28, 2008

Awakening to My Truth

Moment to moment the life I have begun to create for myself is calling me to awaken and stay awake.

I am beginning to see the spirit that lies within all of us, myself included, calling to be heard. There is an awakening happening within myself that allows me to see the awakening potential of this earth.

Fixing what lies on outside of myself I know now is not going to change anything. It is only when I look at the internal landscape I can see that energy vibrates at a much higher frequency for change then I had ever imagined.

A few months ago this was not my reality.

Knowing what I know now has begun to unlock the voice that has been waiting to speak a deep inner truth while inviting others to do the same.

No expectations of a specific outcome- just allowing myself and others to be and speak their truth.

A deep peaceful strength has emerged that refuses to be silenced- my body has taken a much needed lead.

Your judgements of me are not about me. I need not worry about putting myself out there because what you think of me is none of my business.

I have a voice and I choose to use it to create the invitation for others to use theirs- powerful change lies on the other side of this statement and I feel like I haven't even scratched the surface.

I choose to step into the fullness of who I am and use my voice as a platform for change.

No going back now.

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