Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Claiming Magnificance in my imperfections

The topic of redefining the word Powerful Women came up over the weekend and I must say it has not left my awareness.
Tonight my son was watching Spiderman and he asked me why he could not spin webs like his favorite hero.
My thoughts immediately went to the word superpower. I told my son that although he could not spin webs in this moment of his life he already had a superpower. He was intrigued and asked me what superpower he had. I told him 'his' power was inside his body and by allowing himself to see what he sees, hear what he hears and know what he knows his power would be in using his voice to tell what he feels on the inside to the outside world. By allowing what is inside of him, the truth of his experience, to make its way into the world unfiltered means he has superpowers! He immediately asked me if everyone had these superpowers. My response was everybody has the superpower but some choose not to use it, some do not know it is inside of them and some have been told from a very young age their superpower is not welcomed...but everybody has it. He seemed pleased with himself as he ran off continuing to try and shoot webs out of his wrists!
We all have a superpower. I tried to hide mine for many years and even the other day as I recorded a CD with Louise called "Intimacy, Birth and Rebirth" (more to come later about this) I felt the shakiness in my body as I allowed the truth of my experience to come out of my mouth unfiltered and uncensored. I was aware of the discomfort in my body and I stayed with it. A few minutes later I realized the sensation had turned to excitement and all I had to do was stay with the feeling of discomfort so my body could process it and reveal something else! Normally I would disconnect from my body to 'get through' something but I now know I also disconnect from my Authenticity when what comes out of my mouth does not match what is inside of me and what ends up coming out of my mouth in my state of disconnect is simply the culturally conditioned me.
Another key 'green dot moment' (light bulb moment) that flooded my awareness after completing the CD recording is just how non-linear I am. My Authentic thoughts follow no sequence and have no definite start or end point to them. It makes perfect sense that I stayed disconnected from who I really was under cultural conditioning for so many years because to have the life I thought I should have meant being very organized, keeping a sequence and always staying on track. These were the very things that allowed me to stay small and in the box for so many years!
It is all just now making sense...I have been attempting to write blogs for months since Manifesting (the program I connected strongly to who I Am in the world) but I would get 'off track' and end up not finishing them and eventually discarded them because they were all over the place in their content! Tonight I am very aware as I write this that I am allowing myself to go all over the place and it feels AMAZING! I have no idea if any of this makes sense but since the whole point of my blog is to have a conversation with myself to discover more about my Authentic self, I am prepared to put this out to further Decloak and as an invitation for others to think of their lives differently then they may have a few minutes ago.
What are the things we really think are 'us' that are simply strategies we have gotten really comfortable living? Could these be the very things that keep us disconnected from the Essence of who we are in the world?
The freedom I feel right now is MAGICAL!! Another layer has peeled away and I am left feeling more integrated then ever!
I feel a little anxious about pressing the publish button because my grammar is not correct, I have bounced all over the place and essentially it is not linear but I know this is another layer of cultural conditioning about to peel away as I claim more of the 'real, non-linear me'. My head is held high as I let go of something I have clung to for so many years and realize I now get to claim another Authentic aspect of my being.
We really are Magnificent in our imperfections! Now that I know this in myself I can accept this and welcome it in you!
With Respect, Integrity and Generosity of Spirit.


Louise LeBrun said...

Hi Naomi,
Years ago, I had the opportunity to spend some time with Christiane Northrup, MD. When she began to speak, she said (as she waived her hands in the air): "I'm going to go here; and I'm to go there... and I'm coming back!", letting us know that her thoughts may not be linear AND they are profoundly connected. It was a joy to listen to her speak.

I was with you for your new CD - and it was, once again, a joy for me to listen to YOU speak!

I look forward to hearing the finished product.

Aloha and a hug,

Anonymous said...

Your words have such beautiful flow today! I followed the page from Women Gathering to here and enjoyed the journey, immensely. Reverberations of excitement seem to be jumping from your words. Something deeper has resonated with me, too, as I don't know what it is yet though tears flow as information moves. You've reminded me that integration and flow are alive. Mahalo for who you are in this world -- you are amazing.

heartnurse said...

A little like colouring outside the lines, isn't it.
We do what we are fed growing up.
Like your blog and I think half of the world is unconcious to what we eat,what we say and how we react.