Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Life is magical when we Allow OurSelves to be Found

4 days after Manifesting and the words are just beginning to connect to my signal that is in full flow through my body.
No more searching, no more seeking, just allowing myself to be found.
The pieces of the puzzle that I have been gathering in front of me over the past 8 months became a beautiful collage of my life on day 5 of Manifesting.
Once I marvelled in the beauty of my life and saw how one piece fit meticulously together with the other I was finally able to 'see' my life and the magnificence of my imperfections.
I was then able to let go- I let go of the life I 'have' lived so the image of the collage could become blank again and I could begin to choose and create based on this moment rather then the past.
Every day allowing mySelf to wake and bask in the sunshine of my own life as the unique signal that I am in the world and asking mySelf what it is that I choose to do today.
No longer do I walk backwards into the future using the past as a familiar guide.
I have chosen to turn around and look up to the expression that I Am in this Universe and allow this moment to be the platform for the next!
The image that pops for me is one of me being a little girl looking up to the sky and asking mySelf- "what do I want to do?" No external referencing, early family systems had not yet had it's firm grip around my life...nothing to do but BE!
The circle completed itself last Saturday and I am once again looking up to the sky and asking mySelf "what do I choose today?"
Everyday allowing myself to be found by an expression more magical then it was in the last breath.
My life, my choices, my song to sing for myself or out loud for the world to hear.
Thank you Louise for creating the playground for us to safely explore and be found by a force I truly didn't know could exist on this plane.
Thank you Lisa, your presence and words have such a deep resonance and connect at a level that vibrates my entire being.
Thank you Lucy, your essence is still present within me even across the miles.
Thank you Cathy, your vibrancy for life allowed me to connect with the part of you that is an aspect of myself.
My body is soft, my breath is free and I am simply able to 'be' me for the first time since I was a child.
I look forward to waking tomorrow and allowing myself to feel the pulsating life force flowing through my body knowing and trusting my life is one of my design- not by planning but by allowing the flow to move the wave in my body in which I breathe and relax into, make a choice and take a step. If I allow this process to repeat 100 times in a day I have moved 100 steps closer to 'home'.


Unknown said...

I read your words and a wave moves in me, a wave of not knowing and trusting that I will be found. Thank you for continually allowing me to stand in the now and move forward.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Your words, "...allowing myself to be found." felt so yummy to me!

I've been moving through heaps the past couple of weeks. Earlier this afternoon I become aware of how, over and over incessantly I've been saying to myself, "I need to find a job, I need money, I need to find a place to live, I need to find myself....[etc.. etc..]" And then it was about replacing 'find' with 'create'. And then I felt defeated, limited by lack of power. Your words helped me see, for me, it's about creating space to allow myself to be found. There's something deeply powerful about allowing. Well, Naomi, I'm not quite there yet. Thank you for the reminder that it ~is~ possible. Shine on. :-)