Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Hello All,

My blog has been integrated into my new website Naomi Irons~Conversations from Within. If you feel the pull to engage please visit: or Naomi Irons~Conversations from Within on my Facebook Fan Page for updates on my website.

I look forward to engaging with you to discover more!

With Respect, Integrity and Generosity of Spirit,

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Welcome 2010

As I move into 2010, I am aware more then ever that this is my journey. As I allow myself to claim the aspects of me that I was not ready to claim in 2009, I know I move forward with more ease in my body to simply be me.

I stand in a very different place knowing how far away from myself I had to go in order to discover I was lost in my own life. My body had been giving me messages all along I just didn't know how to pay attention differently.

I have a wonderful family, job, friends and yet a year and a half ago I realized something was missing. I now know all that was missing was Me showing up and being willing to step out from behind the roles I became very adept in occupying and breathing into the moment and what was moving through me.

I am mindful that in a few weeks my blog will morph into my website and the title I have had for a year and a half will change from creating Time and Space to Naomi The metaphor for me becomes; I am no longer willing to hide behind my roles, behind a name or behind a business because the work I do is simply an extension of who I am becoming. Nothing to strive for, nothing to create other then what holds meaning for me in this moment.

I stand in a place of knowing yet I still have to remember, or sometimes be reminded to take a step back to see the expansiveness of my own journey. In the expansiveness I can remember I Am the creator of my own life. Then dare to ask myself the question- Do I like what I am creating?

Never before have I held more passion for the potential the human body holds as a brilliant Quantum Device. Spending more then 13 years in alternative health care has become the invitation for me to consider the human body differently then what I had been taught years ago. As a result my fields of Massage, Yoga, Meditation and Doula have shifted significantly and I experience myself more fully alive while engaging then ever before.

As a parent to two beautifully unique individuals I now have a deeper understanding and urgency to share something different to consider as I look around me and see children who's bodies and minds are screaming and as a result are being labeled with what is 'wrong' with them. I had never considered until recently that perhaps these children are screaming at us to become the unique individual we once were in order for them to maintain their expression in the world. I don't have to look any further then my own home to see the more I am wiling to tell myself the truth as I look within, the more my children can stay internally referenced and be their own guiding force in the world.

Recently I had somebody ask me if the way I choose to see my world was right and there way wrong. I used the following analogy to express myself. I asked the other person to look at an object I was looking at and I asked them to share their experience of the object, describing what it looked like, their feelings about it and what it represented to them. After they shared their experience I shared mine. Based on how differently we had been taught to view our world through the eyes of our early family/community/school experiences, we each had very different truths to our own experience. What I then shared is neither of us were wrong, neither of us were right. It simply became the truth of our own experience in the moment. As the old saying goes "And the truth shall set you free". My rendition of this would be "And My truth will set me free".

I came to a place within myself a year and a half ago where I began to question- is the way I have been taught to see my body, my Self, my intellect (my world) working for me? I had everything outside of me that society would would deem as a great life, yet inside I was in turmoil. The stronger I pushed it down the stronger the message became, "WAKE UP" and seek others who are hungry for a different way to consider their world.

Here I am- The invitation to seek something different then the cultural coma we have subjected ourselves to for so long knowing it wasn't working, yet not knowing a different place to stand. I Am the call to those who know their own potential lies in the truth of their own experience and not in somebody else's technique, strategy or journey.
What you can count on from me is NOT the answer. NOT another technique. NOT another rule book. Simply my truth looking and seeking out your truth so you can know you have the potential to choose differently. What you choose is completely up to you. After all, it is your life!

Look for many more articles to come from various authors on my site as the community of people choosing self over the cultural dogma grows.

With respect for all that is and will be,