Saturday, December 27, 2008

This is the Time of my Life

The last line of my last blog has left me curious. I went back and re-read Test Driving and realized the 'explanation' for me has been an obstacle. No more explanation of me or what I do or what I am reading. If you want to know about it read the book yourself. What am I trying to defend? what does my cultural conditioning say about being right and doing things the right way? Why does my way need to be the right way? Whoo a lot to pay attention to.
I am so passionate about how I feel and the courses I take I have been trying to spurt out information when I know it's not about the information but rather the experience of the conversation. One person's insight that leads to another persons discovery about themselves.
In my profession of Massage I always felt responsible to "fix" someones problem. Let this go Naomi. Be who you are and let go of the notion of "fixing" because it will get you more of what you have got and right now this is not what you want.
I don't want to be responsible for "fixing" problems. I enjoyed this for a long time and it gave me what I thought was a great sense of purpose. My purpose does not lie here anymore.
My interest lies here in between these words. The vibration of the space between these words.
I carry within me a Spirit that will not give up on the world and a Spirit that knows I can be the messenger of information I now know. For the experience that will arise, not for self-serving purposes because I know who I Am- do you want to know who You are and what journey you are on?
I am allowing mySelf to be the instrument for something larger- much larger!!! I don't know what it means right now but I know it is the right direction! No second guessing.

Test Driving

What you notice about me is actually about you...allow yourSelf to get curious about this. I will also get curious about what it is I notice about you and how I see this in my own life.
For me to notice something about you I know I carry this in mySelf to be able to recognize it.
This has been a Christmas to test-drive all the things I have been learning and what I am seeing is the fact that I created a lot of drama in years past that doesn't actually exist or if it does I simply chose not to engage in it this year...hmmm. (Which one it is truly doesn't matter)

How do I push your buttons? where do your irritations lie in what I say... allow yourSelf to get curious again. I will notice where my irritation lies with what you say and take a deep breath to allow my body to process information that up until this point was out of my conscience.

No more stories, no more past. Just this moment, choosing where this moment will lead. I don't know where it will take me but I do know it will lead me in the right direction if I honour the truth of my experiences and the Essence of who I am.

Am I ready to own my seriousness? Am I ready to be the invitation for change? Am I ready to come out of my camouflage to trust my body and it's impulses that connect me to who I am? More importantly am I willing to just be me whatever that may look like in this moment?
My intellect and hard wiring would have me go back to the wallflower I was pleasing and making nice. But my body sings a much different tune.

I am ready to be ME! In fact I already AM. No explanation required.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Look at your Life or Live your Life

The blinders are off, my fists have unclenched and I have dropped the heavy armor. If you want to know me just be in my presence and you will know me.
I no longer apologize for the edges I spent years trying to dull to fit in. I take full responsibility for my thoughts and actions but still do not apologize for them if they offend you. I am here in this moment to live and engage in ways that are meaningful to only me. Am I a bitch... no! I have finally stepped into my life and found a strength I did not know existed.
The nurturing, the compassion, the kindness has always been there but without the strength I could not allow myself to live fully in this moment.
I cared about what you thought, I cared about what you felt and I cared about how my life looked like from the outside looking in.
Now I am on the inside looking out and I still care for you, I care for you so much I am going to allow you the freedom to live your life by your own design.
From the inside looking out it becomes a much different landscape and a much different experience. I am now looking at you and seeing you through mySelf. Instead of judging myself from the outside looking at a body without an essence and wondering 'what did you do to me that I feel like this', I can now take responsibility and ownership from an authentic place inside my body.
My external environment can now be a direct reflection of my internal environment instead of looking at the internal from a 'witness' standpoint. What fun is it to 'look' at your life instead of actually living it!!!
The long and short of it is I am here to live my life and allow you to live your life without the stories and drama that once felt so comforting.
I am here to live large in whatever form that may look like from moment to moment.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Our Bodies are Genius

Day 2 in Engaging and Awakening Others I discovered a benign cyst that had been on my back for some time had become inflamed. By day 5 it became so painful I could not lean back on my chair. Knowing the body is genius I left it to see what would happen. I thought it would get better on it's own and disappear.
To my disappointment it grew larger and angrier. I could not lean back at all and if someone approached me to give me a hug I would protect my back and if I forgot I would be in pain for some time after.
People told me to make a poultice, have it operated on and other things they thought would help me. I held out knowing it had something to tell me. It wasn't until a week ago that I noticed I was leaning back on the right side and felt no pain when I turned my body so that no pressure would go on the left. My woo hoo moment had arrived.
I realised I no longer needed my past to support me. I had been sitting without leaning back (past) for almost 3 weeks allowing mySelf to get acquainted to the 'new' Me . I also became curious that when I leaned to the right (sphere/masculine) side I had no pain. The nurturing (left side) aspect of the Family Hero strategy I ran in the 'past' no longer supported who I Am now.
As for protecting mySelf when people came towards me I simply used my voice to let people know it was there. I did not have to protect mySelf!
I sit here now comfortably leaning back on both sides with a new awareness about mySelf and how I CHOOSE to move through my world. The inflammation and pain is gone and began disappearing shortly after my realisation. The body is true GENIUS!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Force

As I sat in my home today and looked out at the fresh blanket of snow I felt peaceful and calm. There is something magical about living here with 20 acres of space surrounding me.
The peacefulness and calmness I began to realise in that moment was superficial, not bad, but superficial. Somewhere in the depths of my Being I felt a restlessness arising mixing with the calmness, the sensation began feeling more like a force. The only way I can describe this force is a deep, swirling dancing motion that feels all consuming and calming in the same breath.
My intellect wanted to grab hold to suffocate this force by asking questions like: 'why can't you appreciate all the things you have worked for and just live simply? Don't complicate things- you have everything you could ever want. You just can't be matter what!'
Not needing to know where those voices from the past originated I took a breath and settled into the force within my body just long enough before I heard 'mom what's for dinner'. I wanted to stay there for a second longer and then it occurred to me I could remain here because it was ME not just a sensation. Big Breath here- imagine ME just being ME! No need to hold onto a sensation just owning it and claiming it as the force that I am.
I can live simply, whatever moves me in this moment is SIMPLE. It may not be the Websters dictionary definition or the nominalization of simple but it will be my simple for that moment. The moment I look at something that would appear daunting to my intellect I can know it is simple for me in that moment by the way my body responds! The genius is I am simple in an unconventional way- MY way!!! Oh my it really is My way- letting this settle in for a moment.
Not your way, not my family's way... mine all mine. I guess I will have to rethink my response when my kids say 'mine, all mine'.
There's that Force again!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Time is Now

The time is now! It is time to wake up and to look at the life I have been creating for the past 31 years. How does this sit in my body- what are the sensations? There is urgency- tomorrow may be too late, but is today too soon?
Last evening my body was tired and I found my mind happily taking charge and the conversation went- what are you doing Naomi, who do you think you are, people are beginning to ask where the 'old' Naomi went, what is your life going to look like without the stories and the drama you use to conjure up?
Today my body is rested and my mind has not been invited to play and the conversation is much different- one breath at a time, allowing life to unfold and listening to my body I have the sense I don't need to know what my life is going to 'look' like. As long as I show up in my life as the vibration of who I am life will meet me where I am instead of me trying to meet it in some place that my mind has created as a place that 'looks' good .
Trying to look productive while life is unfolding has been a means in which to compare and sometimes torture myself into believing I am worth it. Not only am I worth it but I am no longer willing to be anything but the vibration I am to make someone else feel comfortable. Big shoes- but I have Big feet!!
The softness, the strength, the voice, the silence, all these the Essence of who I am and it is all here- all of it my choosing- freeing choice moment by moment.
How can I commit to someone or something if the commitment to myself, to be mySelf, does not exist? The commitment to be mySelf in this moment and to embrace moving on when it calls.
The leader I was seeking has been here all along I just needed to shine my light on it.
The wings I was looking for have emerged and they are more beautiful then anything I could have imagined. The cliff I am standing at the edge of does not look so daunting knowing the wings I had at birth have been growing with me all along but I chose to tuck them safely away so I didn't feel 'different'. What I didn't realise was I was meant to FLY! Walking along the ground feels limiting- who knew?
Now that I see mySelf I see you and it feels wonderful!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Movement Found

When I named this blog just last month I had no idea how fast I would begin to create time and space. What I didn't realise at the time was the time and space I wanted to create was not so I could be by myself more, it was to create space for Spirit to enter my body and to spend my time 'as' this amazing connection.
My perception of Spirit in my body was just that- in my body. Last night I had an amazing experience during a yoga class where I felt my Essence as vast as the space I could imagine around me- no different then the Essence of other women in the room. I felt as though my body didn't need to be the border that protected me from my world . Instead I felt as though my body was permeable allowing Spirit to move through me rather then trying to 'capture it'(stagnation). It was so freeing to feel as though I was different from one moment to the next. Ah- maybe this was the movement I was seeking in my last blog!! I feel my body vibrating right now as this connection finds it's way into my awareness.
I had always perceived my Spirit/Essence to be 'my own' or who 'I truly am' but last night I began to feel that the Essence of who I am is no different then the Essence of who you are. I just have a different body and have had a different experience of Early Family Systems then you.
Imagine, allowing the truth of who we really are be the lens that Spirit shines through to guide our choices moment by moment. In turn creating the unique individuals we all are.
Right now in this moment-kids tucked in bed, quiet in my home and in my body I feel the borders of my body dissolve allowing the MOVEMENT I have been seeking.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Time to Move

I feel movement is necessary in my life right now. An internal movement to allow the old to surface and process, in turn creating space for the essence of 'who' I am. Such an easy concept with the information I now know. Such a daunting concept 6 months ago.
If who I were 6 months ago was powerful enough to bring me to the place I stand today, imagine where I will stand in another 6 months with the information, time and space I have created for myself.
Everyday allowing choice to be on main stage. Choice that comes from being mindful that the answers lie in the body's cues. The body's cues are prompted by the Essence, Authentic voice, God force, whatever word you use to name it.
Today I had what I call a 'hit', something that moved in my body that asked me to pay attention. I then took a few deep breaths, pulled my awareness deep into my body and asked myself the question- what do you need to do right now. The decision looked totally different from an intellectual standpoint. Knowing what I know now I trusted my body's cues and the day took on a totally different feel. I felt as though I was responsible for my actions and had I not made the choice I did I would have created drama and felt as though I was the victim.
I am beginning to follow through on my choices instead of analysing. Making choices and acting on choices are two very separate things. I think the answers I have been seeking have been in my awareness for a very long time but being consumed by what those choices may look like got in the way of just doing them and knowing all is good.
I now know all is good and I am ready to make choices and trust the answers my body holds in the present moment. I also know without movement the present moment choices stay the same and becomes the stagnation that leads to the disconnect of who we truly are.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Choosing to look up and paint

For far too long my head has been down pushing through my life. What was I trying to push through? Where was I trying to go that I couldn't take the time to enjoy the scenery? I think I truly thought this was my dress rehersal for life!!!

How much of my life have I missed with my head down, making apologies, pleasing others, doing the 'right thing' and simply living in the past or the future.

What really matters now, is not how much life I have missed, it is that I am awake to the life I am leading now. When habituated patterns begin to set in I recognise them, I then choose to look up, and there I am back in my life creating what it is I want instead of allowing autopilot to choose a haphazard direction.

Are you on autopilot or are you consciously choosing the life you want for yourself?

It truly is a choice.

It is a choice that comes from deep within the vessel we call body, the vessel that holds the essence of who we are. When we are connected to our essence choices become easy and effortless because we have removed the drama of the mind.
Before I use to feel that I didn't know who I was unless I was busy or productive. Now I have realized I become agitated (body sending info in the form of emotion) if I am too busy in my mind and become disconnected from my body.
Now, instead of lashing out from that agitation,I quiet my mind, breathe, connect to my body, realize what info my body is sending and make choices for myself based on that info. This is still a process for me because habituated patterns still want to lead when I am in my mind and my mind is who I thought I was for a long time.
Get into the body,allow it to lead and the life you want will become a canvas waiting for your brush strokes!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Creating Internal Space

My body has been sending me info this morning. I feel as though I want space and for everybody to leave me alone in this space.

So right now I have created this space to write and what is coming up for me is that my external landscape of chaos this morning is reflecting the internal landscape of chaos and needing space.

We all have messages sent by the body or outer landscape (our world) needed to make the necessary changes in our lives. Look at what is going on outside yourself in your world and ask yourself the question what do I need to make room for inside to have my world look better to me on the outside. I am really beginning to see how much the outer world is a direct reflection of our inner world, and vice versa.

I asked the question this morning, created the space I needed and already I am feeling calmer and more at peace. Instead of stuffing those thoughts and feelings deeper into my body I decided to acknowledge how I was feeling and made the simple choice of taking some time for me, and in the long run today, it will work better for my whole family.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Conscious Choosing

I wake with joy in my body.

Today is the day I have created for myself. Every Wednesday my children, who have previously been with me 6 days a week, go to daycare and preschool.

This is my day! My day to listen to my body and make choices moment by moment.
Normally a day 'off' would be a day of errands, necessities and rushing.

Today I am going to try to be concious, moment by moment, hour by hour. I have made no commitments and have a list that I may or may not follow.
Right now I am sitting, writing, drinking a cup of tea and glancing over my view at the trees changing colors.
My husband has taken my daughter to daycare, my son is happily watching Curious George and I am taking advantage of the day for me already.

I still have my head cold but I don't feel as though I am a prisoner to it. I am embracing it's message and am thankful for it or I may have rushed around like a 'mad woman' pissed at the end of the day that there was no time left over for ME.

Consciously choosing. Realizing each moment, from one to the next is different, which in it's self is a reminder to check in with the body. Allowing these body clues to guide our intellect into making the decision that is right for us at that moment.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Becoming Aware

I am tired, I have a head cold and I have forgotten to tune into my own internal landscape.
How could I have let this happen? I just gave a workshop on getting out of the intellect and back into the body to hear our authentic selves!
I actually know exactly how this happened. In the excitement I have found to share with everyone else, this brilliant information, I forgot to apply it to myself!!
It is moments like these- in the stillness of the afternoon when I sit, connect and write, that I begin listening to my authenticity.
I have not been taking this time lately because I have been too busy seeing clients and preparing a workshop that I really wanted to go well.
No point in beating myself up- move forward Naomi. Choose to do things differently based on what you just learned about outcomes of your own life. Wow, it is just that simple.
Writing for me is about connecting and just being but at the same time still being able to express to the outer world what is going on internally.
What is this need to have everything done for everyone else before I connect with myself about?
Where does this originate from? but more importantly if I had that info would that solve anything? I think not!
Maybe I just need to be aware and simply breathe into this awareness.
I just got it- writing for me is about just that, AWARENESS!
Back to this moment, breathing, connecting and creating what exactly I want for MY life. Do I want to spend all my time being busy with other people or is this simply what I am creating in my life as a diversion from myself?
When I intellectually think about writing what comes up is 'frivolous', 'wasting time', 'unproductive', and not a good 'hobby'.
Right now feeling connected, I realize writing is about speaking my inner truths so these truths may become present in my awareness. With awareness I can begin to recognize the patterns in which my body is trying to speak to me.
I feel so strongly that I am on the right path to listening to my own body and allowing others the time and the space to listen to theirs.
I slightly diverted from that path the last few weeks by becoming caught up in listening only to others and my body is now letting me know. Thanks for this genius!
My time, my body, my mind and my spirit. No body's responsibility but my own.
I have cleverly created this cold to bring all this into my awareness. Now that I have created it, it is time to listen to that awareness so my body can stop sending that message!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Awakening to My Truth

Moment to moment the life I have begun to create for myself is calling me to awaken and stay awake.

I am beginning to see the spirit that lies within all of us, myself included, calling to be heard. There is an awakening happening within myself that allows me to see the awakening potential of this earth.

Fixing what lies on outside of myself I know now is not going to change anything. It is only when I look at the internal landscape I can see that energy vibrates at a much higher frequency for change then I had ever imagined.

A few months ago this was not my reality.

Knowing what I know now has begun to unlock the voice that has been waiting to speak a deep inner truth while inviting others to do the same.

No expectations of a specific outcome- just allowing myself and others to be and speak their truth.

A deep peaceful strength has emerged that refuses to be silenced- my body has taken a much needed lead.

Your judgements of me are not about me. I need not worry about putting myself out there because what you think of me is none of my business.

I have a voice and I choose to use it to create the invitation for others to use theirs- powerful change lies on the other side of this statement and I feel like I haven't even scratched the surface.

I choose to step into the fullness of who I am and use my voice as a platform for change.

No going back now.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Allowing the Body to Lead

I had an experience yesterday that made me stop- and NOT think.
I was working with a colleague on a workshop we have coming up and I was trying to get my 'point across' to her about the Wel-System experience. I could see that she was struggling with it intellectually so I checked in with my body and then got her to lay down. From here I delivered the material in a meditative format and I could sense that she was allowing it to process. During our discussion later she realized that when she was sitting up she felt like she was a student trying to analyze and make 'sense' of what I was saying. When she was laying down her body was metabolizing and processing the material at a cellular level. WOW!
Once again I am reminded that the body does need to lead and the intellect need not get in the way!
No wonder I have NEVER felt comfortable delivering material to people's intellect- for me now it is about allowing the body to process and then open it up to discussion about what arose for myself and others. The intellect cannot shut new ideas down when they are already rolling around in the body. Ask the question "what do I feel' not 'what do I think'!!! and the answer will come from the authentic source.